Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Sunday....

I haven't accomplished much this week as I mostly spent it glued to Fox News watching about Boston. What a nightmare! Prayers go out to all those in the Boston and the USA.They are facing some tough issues and my heart bleeds for them. Thank heavens they have peace today for time to worship and heal from the events. I pray the truth comes out about events so even more healing can occur. Twitter is the best for these kind of events as you get updates from all over telling you whats really going on.

I had to transplant more herbs and plants! It also looks like I will be needing to put some of my tomatoes into larger pots. Some of them are getting quite big! Snow please melt!!

Here are a couple of pictures of Christmas projects I made as gifts for people from patterns.The first is a tea cozy that turned out very lovely, mostly due to the beautiful fabric I used. It has a side pocket for tea packets and four little circle coasters. The pattern called for piping also around the coaster, but I had too much difficulty making it look decent. I would make this again. It was a pattern from one an issue of  American Patchwork and Quilting. If anyone wants to know the issue just let me know and I will find it.

Here is a bag made from an AP and Q pattern as well.These are quick to make up and you can easily adjust the size by changing the length of your strips.


My goal this week is to begin curtains for our living and dining room before summer gets here and I escape to our cabin again. I just finished Jennifer Chiaverini's new book "Lincoln's Dressmaker" and its fabulous as usual. I have read them all eagerly await any new books of hers. I think my favourite book of hers is the very first one about the Elm Creek Quilters, but they are all awesome. Do you have a favourite quilting novel?
I'd love to hear from you anytime!
God Bless and talk to you soon.

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