Sunday, April 7, 2013

Dear Readers,

Yes, I know its been awhile! I am going to give this one more try and if I can't keep it up, then I will close my blog, as there will be no point!! I ask your patience dear reader... well if anyone is reading!! Hah! Alot has happened this past year and alot has not happened, if you know what I mean. I have been struggling with some health issues and have been in alot of pain. Some health issues were resolved through minor surgery last August, and others are currently being relieved through a technique called "myo-facial release". It's an amazingly weird technique and you have to experience it first hand I think to fully realize. I have a new appreciation for folks who struggle with chronic pain. A picnic its not!

My beloved 14 year old kitty was also quite ill last summer from pancreatitis and IBD issues. Thankfully he is still with us, although he still has kidney issues and needs a special diet. I have not blogged due to all this making me feel rather "down" on many days, especially if I am lacking sleep. I don't want to pass these feelings onto the blog world, no matter who is reading!!
I did alot of knitting while sitting with my kitty when he was sick, and as a result I made many felted bags/purses. I also made some tote bags while at the cabin, with hand cut and layered applique flowers, with  beading on them. My friend and I entered a fall craft show, but that turned out to be a bust!! Probably was the wrong craft show for us, but you have to learn by doing! Although we did get our name out there and had some follow up sales. However, I don't think I am up to that level of work at this point in my life, so I have finally put all my bags on Etsy! Please take a look!! My shop is called "mimianuit".  I will have to read more about selling on Etsy because it seems like a hard thing to keep your items posted up front where people will see them and not buried on page 100! I am wondering if there is a link from Etsy that I can put on my blog?
This past year I picked up a sketch book and watercolour paints. Wow, lots of fun!! It's like being a kid again!! I think it will help me doing art quilting, which is what I really want to do. I have made a promise to get up every morning and ONLY do art quilting! Everything else can wait! Take that laundry and vacuuming! Maybe blogging will keep me accountable.

I also started being active on my twitter account to deal with my maddening feelings about the world. I can now openly admit to being conservative and all that this entails. Some issues really worry me and we need to act on them or be forever sorry. My concerns right now are mostly for our southern neighbours in the USA who are facing an incredibly challenging and frightening time with their long held values being chucked out the window at an alarming rate! You can follow me of course (@screamimimi)  if you are interested, but beware my lefty leanings are gone for good. These disappeared when I had my 'conversion experience' as our priest called it, in 09.

I have managed to start a collection of  indoor seeds this year, all heirloom, open pollinated for our garden this summer. My seeds have all germinated so far which really surprised me!! If they all grow, I will have about 40 tomato plants. Yikes!!! What will I do  with them all??

So in short, I am back! Hopefully I can get into a natural rhythm here, along with my art quilting! I have started a wall hanging for our kitchen wall with  a group of pears and grapes. I have done the background and am starting on the fruit. Pics next time on my progress perhaps!

Please leave a comment for me if you like. I would love to hear from you, from anyone!. I am not sure if my comments section is even set up right. So a comment tester of sorts would be most welcome!!

Here is a picture worth a thousand words and might be the cause of many people's depression at this point in time during our never ending winter!! This is our front street sidewalk  and the other is of the path beside our house. As I write, it is snowing again!!! God Bless and have a wonderful day!


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