Thursday, February 16, 2012

Here we are Thursday already! How about some pictures of my favourite boy? His name is Scruggs and he will soon be turning 13 years old. He's in pretty good health, except for his kidneys, which are not very happy and eventually will, well you know....shorten his life. We have him on an intense diet with loads of water and exercise and so far that seems to be keeping him fairly healthy. I adopted him and his sister. Cleo, along with his mother, when they were only one day old. His Momma eventually had to go to a farm, as she had many nasty behavioural issues. I tried everything to help, but she attacked everyone who came to visit. Needless to say, the kittens imprinted on me and we are very attached! Sadly, his sister died in 2009 from a mysterious illness, which he thankfully recovered from. He had a very hard time getting over her loss, but today he is pretty happy with life in general and loves being the centre of our universe. At times I feel Cleo and Scruggs have kept me sane and been a major source of grounding me to this earth. I had a very hard time when Cleo was so sick and then when she passed, I wanted to run away! I think at that time, I realized that it was time to retire sooner, rather than later!!  Here's a picture of beautiful Cleo.

We started taking Scruggs outside for walks last year. Being an indoor cat his whole life, I just didn't think he would like being on a harness. But what do I know? He loves it. He sits so patiently by the door while you hook him up. He had a great time walking around at our cabin and he has continued to walk outside at home. He even met all the neighbours! At his last check up, his kidneys were functioning much better! SJust goes to show you how exercise benefits everyone! Anyway here he handsome in his sweater! His coat is a sleeve from an old wool sweater of mine. The neck is the rib of the sleeve! I cut the sleeve open and lined it with a light knit and added a band with Velcro, so I could wrap it around him. I put a buttonhole in the back where his harness comes out. And voila!! Sorry about the bottom Santa picture, as its a bit blurry. He was in a hurry to get out exploring!!

Do you have any pets that are the love of your life? Do they have health issues? Have you sewn clothing for them or bedding and toys? I think pets are really angels on earth.

Talk you later and have a great day! Happy Friday tomorrow!!
Peace be with all of you,

Monday, February 13, 2012

Other stuff.....

I guess like all things in my life post retirement, I need to schedule times to blog. I have been pretty consistent with my new routine for sewing every morning no matter what, and not being swayed by laundry or grocery shopping or other menial tasks that can suck away your day. And then in the evening I work on my knitting. So far, this has worked very well, but I do want to commit to blogging more regularly, and so I will have to think of a good time. I go to the gym, house clean, grocery shop and attend church at the pretty much the same times each week, otherwise it just doesn't get done and we get so behind!  I am thinking blogging will have to be the same. Who knew my life would become so regimented in retirement! But am I the only one? Maybe this is the only way we can exist and accomplish anything? I know that I have a keen sense of limited time left in my life and certainly don't want to spend my days wandering aimlessly, accomplishing little, just thinking about doing! Does anyone have any thoughts to share with me about their own challenges with retirement??

For sure, I think retirement is an adjustment on many levels. Emotionally, I know I am healing from years of stress and dealing with people in pain. People in pain take a toll on one's spirit and health. They cannot really be helped in the true sense of the word, only guided and listened to, and even that is no small task. Often, I think folks just need to hammer through things and pray that they come out the other side without too much damage to their souls and those around them.  Today, I can barely stand knowing that I have one additional appointment during the week. But wow, give me three in a week and my stress level goes waaaaay up there! Today, I see an empty space beside Tuesday and my heart sings - I can do NOTHING but sew! I can hibernate! I can dream, plan and fantasize.

I have become obsessed with Swedish/Icelandic mystery writers: Camilla Lackberg, Arnaldur Indridason, Henning Mankell and Mons Kallentoft. I am on my fourth Camilla Lackberg, with only one book left, translated into English. I hope there are more soon, because I love her characters! I love how she builds the plot and keeps us guessing. She has a lovely side theme in her books from her two main characters, that give glimpses of light and hope in their own lives. Henning Mankell can be very dark - sometimes disturbingly so. I don't really want affirmation that these type of horrid things happen in the world, altho' simply from my prior work, I do know more than I should. So, if you want something different to read, I recommend any of these authors! I think when I am done my last Lackberg novel, I will have to turn to some kind of romance books as a counter to the darkness.

Is the darkness where my mind is these days? Perhaps its part of my healing process, reading about it, rather than being in it, knowing that I have left this all behind me. In that sense then, it is perhaps where I need to be. I just hope I don't stay there!!

I spent most of last week cutting out 2 tops, a simple dress, another pair of pants and a simple jacket. I was able to put most everything together, except the jacket. I am going to challenge myself by utilizing  my serger's coverstitch. I don't often use it because it is so much bother to get it fixed up and working. But I have the time now and want to have a more professional finish to my clothes because this latest batch are all knits. I spent some time going through my stash last night. And confession - I can't tell which is what in terms of  some purchases. When I order from Gorgeous Fabrics, I always print each fabric's page, with the picture and description on it, for my records. But honestly, some of those black/grey wool/RPL's look so alike!! I don't know why I didn't cut a small swatch to put on each page to help me remember!! I will certainly be doing so in the future!!

Okay folks, that's all for now. I hope to post some pictures on Wednesday - next blogging day!! And please, if anyone is out there, I would love to hear from you!

Peace be with you,
Naomi (aka Mimi)